What We Do
Evangelism – Evangelism conferences are held to teach nationals how to evangelize. We also go out in the community on a regular basis to reach those who want to know about Jesus Christ.
Medical Ministry – BWM's president, Sherrie Bumstead, was able to get her Zambian RN license several years ago. That has allowed her to lead the building of a rural clinic in Zambia which is currently in progress. We also operate mobile clinics and see patients in the community. We hope and pray to expand this part of the ministry to teach nursing to anyone interested.
Orphanage – God started Home of Hope Orphanage a couple of years ago. Parents in Zambia are dying of AIDS as well as have many fatal auto/pedestrian accidents. This has lead to a severe need for care of orphans, and that need continues to increase. Home of Hope has been able to provide safety, food, and education to children in the local area.
Church Planting – God has allowed us to start four churches and have another potential church plant in the near future.
Discipleship – Many churches in the Mkushi area exist have no pastor, and those leading the churches have no formal training. We are planning to assist in establishing a “School of Leadership” for those men and women who are leading in ministry as well as those who want to learn more.
Women's Ministry-Women of Zambia are vital to the community. We educate women women's Bible studies and conferences.
Children's Ministry-The Lord has allowed us to initiate and teach at several Vacation Bible Schools in the area. Bringing joy and Good News to children all around the community.